From 8 o'clock low clouds. Temperatures between 6 and 16 degrees.


Saas-Balen, the “Pearl of Serenity”, is perfect for hiking, relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet, while Mother Nature treats you to the most breathtaking views. Time seems to stand still up here - and yet there are plenty of opportunities to recharge your batteries by being active.
The road through this rustic village leads down into the valley where the better-known Saas destinations are located. Those driving into Saas-Balen will inevitably find their eyes drawn to the Fellbach waterfall, which makes for an impressive natural spectacle as it thunders down to the rocks below. It is no less a majestic sight in the winter, when it is frozen into an ice sculpture; visitors at that time of year might also find their gaze alighting on the village ski lift.

A closer look reveals more gems, such as the round church “Assumption Day”, a protected monument from the late Baroque period. Consecrated almost 200 years ago in 1812, it has lost none of its magical appeal and lends the “Pearl of Serenity” an almost divine air.
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From 8 o'clock low clouds. Temperatures between 6 and 16 degrees.



From 8 o'clock low clouds. Temperatures between 6 and 16 degrees.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What activities are popular in Saas-Balen?

Some popular activities are: Saas Valley cross-country dream and Alpine Passes Trail.

What types of activities are available in Saas-Balen?

In Saas-Balen, you can engage in the following types of activities: Hike and Skicross.

What places are located near Saas-Balen?

Near Saas-Balen, you can find Saas-Fee, Saas-Grund and Saas-Almagell.

Which public transport options are available to reach Saas-Balen?

Saas-Balen is accessible by local bus, by bus and by car.

Which season is recommended to visit Saas-Balen?

Saas-Balen is suitable for visits in winter and summer.

What leisure activities is Saas-Balen particularly known for?

Saas-Balen is known for skiing and snowboarding and family